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As you can probably tell we have decided to change things around a little bit.
Actually it was more than a little bit. It was a lot. The whole website is brand new, and we hope you like it.
It has been some time since our website was launched, and our logo did not age well one could say. Granted, but you should also know that at the time of it’s creation, we did not care that much about it to be honest. It was done very quickly just as a placeholder until when the time comes to properly dedicate ourselves to it. After all It was just two of us, inexperienced and starting a new business. WordPress theme development. It is fair to say that we were much more concerned about creating good themes that check all the marks when it comes to quality, than say developing our own brand.
Anyway, we chained one thing after another since then, and we never really got close to doing it. Until now.
Worth to note that there were several other key factors behind our decision, and when all combined we decided the time has indeed come for a complete overhaul. Re-branding and a new website along with it.
This conversation came naturally. We had some big things in store for the future of StepFox (we still do) and we wanted to introduce them properly. We realized that while doing so, it would be a good idea to re-brand ourselves along with it. That way it will have the most impact. That seemed like a good enough reason and here we are today, with a new website, new logo and new marketplace.
One of the main focuses going forward will be our brand new marketplace. It will be the only market where you can buy some of our high quality custom WordPress themes. In other words some of our themes will be exclusives to the StepFox Marketplace. And we don’t mean just any themes. The bar will be set high, and so themes that do end up on our marketplace will indeed be of the highest of levels. We want only the best stuff. Therefore this marketplace will not be like the usual one with lots and lots of themes. No. This will be a marketplace of fine, selected and niche themes. I’m talking all kinds of sports, betting, and affiliate themes. At least that is the plan for phase one. Phase two of StepFox Marketplace might be something completely different (but not what you think!).
What is a new marketplace if there are no new (and exclusive) themes on it, you might ask. And you’d be right. Absolutely it makes no sense to have a new marketplace where there is nothing new to offer. We could not agree more. That is why you can expect to see new themes (some of which exclusives) coming to the marketplace in the coming months. The themes that will be available on the StepFox themes marketplace will be of the highest quality. Also if you are a previous StepFox user you would know what types of themes to expect. I would list the MMA Sports Theme as an example. Expect more of the likes and similar themes with much better features and options!
For the fist time eve we will be releasing WordPress plugins as well. So far we have decided to stick to themes, but along the way we realized that we could offer much in terms of WP plugins. That is why some of the features and tools we developed will be available here for download. There will be freebies as well!
This was the perfect time to upgrade our support section too. We have always been big on support, often getting out of our way to help our users, because we think that once you become part of the StepFox family, being able to get support and find answers when you need them is paramount. That is why we have upgraded and expanded our support section. You can find answers, ask questions, watch tutorials and contact us directly to suggest features or ideas.
While with this we finish phase one of our multi level plan for StepFox Themes, there is much more to come in the future. In the mean time we will focus on releasing new and exciting themes but when the time is right we will kick off phase two which will bring even more new features and products to the marketplace.
Creating Professional WordPress themes is our true essence here at StepFox. Let’s make something great together.
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We specialize in crafting custom, high-performance WordPress sites with engaging sports themes and magazine-style layouts. Our designs are responsive, visually striking, and SEO-ready—perfect for showcasing live scores, player profiles, and editorial content. Let us help you stand out and captivate your audience online.